By Delilah McMasters
Mansfield Record
I was told to keep it a secret, and it’s been the worst secret I’ve ever had to keep for the last three and a half months! The Drama Squad and I were invited over to dinner, fed, then given dessert and the juiciest gossip EVER and then told to keep our mouths shut.
It’s been hard, we’ve had a lot of family gatherings, and have seen a lot of friends over the summer months, and yet, I waited and let my oldest baby be the one to announce we are having a baby boy in January!
Yep, you heard right, I’m having a grandbaby!
It’s been almost 14 years since we had a baby in our family and to say I am excited is an understatement! I cried with happiness and every time I see Libby I want to hug her and not let go.
How is it possible my first baby is having a baby? Honestly, all four of my oldest kids are old enough to have babies, and it’s true, it seems like yesterday they were all just toddlers running around. I want to stop time right this minute and keep all six of my babies at the ages they are right now, while they are full of dreams and optimism, young and beautiful, full of life. Yet I never knew how touched I was going to be about the prospect of watching one of my kids experience being a parent and getting to be a grandparent and I can’t wait for this next chapter to begin.
Which brings us to the questions I’ve been asked since the announcement was made:
I got asked if I was going to take some time off once the baby was born to help out. Immediately I started asking around, was this a thing? Is there grandparent leave paperwork I need to be filling out? Does it come with a La-Z-Boy rocking chair?
I’ve raised six kids, but this is my first rodeo with a grandbaby, and I don’t want to screw it up. If it means taking some time off, then yes, I’ll do it! The Drama Squad is old enough to get jobs and support the house while I do whatever it is Libby tells me to do while I’m waiting around to love this little bundle from heaven.
Then I got asked what is this baby going to call me? I suggested “Sugar,” because I’m definitely going to be one of those grandmas that has cookies and ice cream at my house. Or “Honey” for the same reasons, but Libby keeps giving me a side eyed look and isn’t sold on the idea. Honestly, I don’t care what this baby boy is going to call me as long as he’s happy to see me and lets me hold him and kiss on him.
Next I was asked if I was making the baby anything. Uh, I did not know this was a requirement to getting a Nanna status. I’ve been looking at quilt patterns, wondering if I’m the kind of grandma who makes baby blankets or knits up some little booties. Then acknowledged both might be a little ambitious since I don’t sew or knit and have no desire to sit long enough to do either one. Plus, what if all of my kids start having babies, I’ll be making quilts year-round for years.
I have to admit I don’t know anything about being grandmotherly, but what I do know is I’ve loved Jameson Wyatt’s mama since the first time I held her in my arms, and I’m already madly in love with him. I’ll be sitting on the sidelines and wait to be called up for whatever the new parents might need. I know how to keep my mouth shut and let them experience their baby without my input. I understand all babies are different and everyone has a different parenting style, and I understand my job is to just love them and be supportive.
Now if anyone knows where I can pick up those grandparent leave of absence forms, just send me a text, I’ll be looking at La-Z-Boy rockers until then.
Delilah McMasters is a local resident and the mother of six. Reach her at
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